2023-24 SEHS Girls Soccer Updates
Friday Oct 13, 6PM @ SEHS vs Roseburg
Please join the teams at this special game honoring senior players and their families!
Stay after for a brief ceremony immediately following the game
August 20, 2023
Tuesday, August 23 @ SEHS weight room hall
4-4:45 Girls Varsity
4:45-5:30 Girls JV
*bring student ID
All players must have BOTH the parent uniform checkout form and player uniform checkout form forms submitted
prior checking out any gear.
Parents- Uniform help is needed for the season. Each team needs one dedicated uniform helper for the season and also a few extra hands during these team uniform check-in/check-out events.
Please contact a coach or one of the uniform leads below, or sign up here to help out in this way. The players are great to work with and it is a good opportunity to get to know the teams!
August 20, 2023
Season kick off potluck & meeting
Welcome to the 2023 soccer season! The fall season kickoff event will be held this coming Monday August 21 from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the SEHS cafeteria. This will be an opportunity for players and parents to meet the girls and boys coaches and gather with their team; we will also hear from our new Athletic Director Jim Moore and introduce the Soccer Club Board. This is a potluck event, and a fun way to meet people, sign up for volunteer opportunities, and kickoff the season! Here's the schedule for the evening:
6:00 Arrive, Eat and Sign Up for Volunteer Opportunities
6:30 Jim Moore, Athletic Director Comments
6:45 Elizabeth Bouressa, Soccer Club Board President Comments
6:55 Pete and Jaime: Head Coach Comments
7:10 Team Meetings: Girls Varsity, Girls JV, Boys Varsity, Boys JV, Boys JV2
7:30 Cleanup
FRESHMEN: side dish for 12+
SOPHOMORES: drinks for 12+
JUNIORS: main dish for 12+
SENIORS: dessert for 30
In order to have a successful event, we need your help! Volunteers are needed to help set up for the event (5 slots), sell spiritwear (3 slots), and take down afterwards (5 slots). See the soccer club website to sign up. This is an easy way to help the soccer program. We need all families to volunteer for a few hours this season. Other opportunities will be discussed at the potluck. If you have questions, email Soccer Club VP Terri Harding at terriharding72@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Thank you,
Jaime Aguayo, Girls Head Coach
Pete Peterson, Boys Head Coach
May 31, 2023
2023-24 Girls SEHS Soccer info from Coach Jaime Aguayo
Welcome to South Eugene Soccer!
New & returning players will receive their communication from me through the Game Changer App. To be added to this communication, email coach Jaime:
Attend all scheduled tryouts/trainings/team functions. Arrive on time (15 minutes early). Bring running shoes, soccer cleats, shin guards, and water to all training sessions.
All players must be registered before participating in summer training and tryouts.
Info and link to registration
AXE Soccer Camp
Our annual summer soccer camp is happening! The SEHS Soccer camp is the longest running high school camp in the Pacific Northwest! We cannot pull this camp off without the help of every returning player as a camp coach/counselor.
The camp is June 19th - June 23rd from 9am-2pm. Every returning SEHS player will work in this camp as a camp coach/counselor. All current/returning SEHS players please make sure you’ve filled out your availability at the camp counselor link here: AXE SOCCER CAMP COUNSELOR SIGN UPS
Camp directors Ty Ohrtman and Jaime Aguayo will be in touch with you with follow up instructions.
Who: Any student considering joining a women's soccer team at South Eugene high School in the fall. Middle school players who can keep up with the physical demand of training are welcome to attend.
What: Summer training will involve strength and conditioning in the weight room and ball skills on the turf. We will target agility, core, endurance and lower body to strengthen lower center gravity.
Summer workouts will be led by coaches but there will be times where chosen players lead sessions to allow leaders to be leaders.
When: Summer training will be early in the morning, 2-3 times a week. Time is still being determined.
Where: Summer training will be at South Eugene High School
*Summer training is “optional”, but very important for development and team chemistry.
*It is always recommended to wear our colors with pride when representing our school, and a team decision.
Families are more than welcome to vacation at any point. It will be recommended for players to keep up with their strength and conditioning while on vacation because of demanding fitness tests. Moratorium week is July 23-29 - no high school practice/clinics/etc. I just ask that players keep up with their strength and conditioning while enjoying their summer.
Who: All players who want to play for South Eugene Soccer for fall 2023 season. Players cannot miss tryouts. Those who miss tryouts will be evaluated with Junior Varsity for a week and then we will make a decision.
What: Structure of tryouts will include fitness test, ball skills and scrimmage including 2 mile run, shuttle run, and 40 push-ups in 5 minutes. Recommended conditioning is endurance, core and lower body focus.
When: August 14th and 15th. The sooner we can complete tryouts the sooner Varsity and Junior Varsity coaches can work with their respective teams. Team rosters will be posted by midnight August 15, on gamechanger.
Where: South Eugene High School Turf
*The weekend after rostering there will be team bonding.
*After rostering, the official season starts before school starts. Missing training sessions will impact playing time and can potentially lead to being demoted from Varsity if a Junior Varsity player is promoted during the timespan.
2023 SEHS GIRLS Soccer Calendar at a Glance:
June 9, 5 PM: Mandatory AXE soccer camp counselors orientation meeting @Shed
June 13, 6 PM : Spring soccer info night with head coaches @South Eugene cafeteria.
June 19-23, 9AM- 2PM AXE Soccer Camp Monday-Friday @SEHS turf & Civic Turf
July - August 12: Summer Training: mornings, 2-3 times per week @SEHS turf TBA
July 23-29: OFF for OSAA moratorium week. No high school activities scheduled.
August 14-15: Tryouts Schedule TBA@SEHS turf
August 15: Teams rosters announced on gamechanger.
August 19-20: Team bonding weekend. Details TBA.
August 21: Soccer Season Kick-off Potluck/meeting for all rostered boys & girls teams/families, location and time TBA
August 29 First games: Girls Junior Varsity @Sherwood 5PM, Girls Varsity @Sherwood 7 PM
Mid-End of Oct: Last league games for JV. Varsity begins post-season play.
Nov 3-4: State Quarterfinals
Nov 7: State Semifinals
Nov 11: State Final Match
Nov: Date TBA. End-of-Season banquet for all girls teams @SEHS cafeteria.
Jaime Aguayo, womens' soccer head coach: aguayo_j@4j.lane.edu
School website/Schedule: Axe athletics South Eugene High school
South Eugene Soccer club: South Eugene Soccer Club